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- Analysis Types: Opportunities (Action Impact)
- Analysis: Opportunities (Product Badges)
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myEDITED Tutorial: Getting Started With myEDITED
Follow the Getting Started with myEDITED tutorial to learn how to customize a default pricing dashboard using Market and Enterprise data. This example teaches you how to analyze the tops category for weekly analysis.
Gain access to myEDITED via my.edited.com
1. Click on the slide hyperlink my.edited.com to gain access to MyEDITED.
Use the right arrow > along the bottom to navigate to the next slide.
2. Click the right arrow at the bottom > to see how to use MyEDITED shared dashboards.
3. Click the dropdown arrow next to the dashboard title.
4. Scroll down to the Shared Dashboard section and select the dashboard most relevant to your analysis. Here we have selected Connected Pricing.
5. When you first click on a shared dashboard, you must Save As to make a copy to customise your own analysis.
Click Save As.
6. Choose a naming a convention for your dashboards recognisable across your business.
7. Type a description to clearly outline the analysis that is included in your dashboard.
8. Click Save.
9. Use the right arrow > along the bottom to learn more.
10. First, lets start with adding filters.
Click + Add filter under Enterprise filter - this is your own internal data.
11. Click the product category that is relevant to your business. Here we select Product Category 2.
12. Click to search categories.
13. Select Tops.
14. Click Apply.
15. Now we move on to the Market Filter. Click + Add filter.
Market refers to the data found within EDITED Market Analysis.
16. Click Apparel.
17. Click Category.
18. Click to search categories.
19. Select Tops.
20. Click Apply.
21. You can add more than one filter, for example, you can add retailers to analyse specific competitors.
22. If you select more than one of any filter you will be able to compare these within your widgets.
For example, if you select two retailers, you can compare these.
23. Next lets adjust the date period.
Click the Date Selector.
24. This is a weekly pricing dashboard, so let's select this week compared to the prior period, which is last week.
Click the Date range field.
25. Select This Week.
26. Click Apply.
27. You can now review your analysis by scrolling down through each widget.
see the highlighted box for an example of a widget.
28. Once you are happy with your changes, remember to click Save.
29. You can then choose to share your dashboard across your whole organisation by clicking Share.
This will ensure weekly pricing analysis is streamlined across teams.
30. That's it your done!
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **https://www.iorad.com/player/2349962/Getting-Started-With-MyEDITED
Your version of myEDITED may be Market only or Enterprise only, rather than both. 'Market' refers to the data found within EDITED Market Analysis while 'Enterprise' are your own internal business metrics that are fed into EDITED Digital or Omni.
If one of these options is greyed out in your view, then your plan does not include both features. Please contact your account manager or email support@edited.com for more information.