Advertised as discounted, %
The percentage of products in the workbook that have an advertised discount.
Advertised discount %
The percentage difference between the advertised previous price and the product’s current price.
Advertised Full Price
The highest price that a product has been advertised as sold at, even if EDITED has never actually seen the product sold at that price.
Average advertised discount %
The average percentage a product is merchandised as being discounted by.
Average Discount %
The mean percentage that products have been discounted by across a retailer, brand, product type or assortment, according to the products in your workbook.
Current Discount % / Currently on Discount
The percentage of the assortment that is currently discounted across a retailer, brand, product type or assortment, according to the products in your workbook.
Current Price
The selling price of a product’s cheapest SKU, at the time it was last tracked.
Deepest Discount
The greatest level of discounting that EDITED has tracked on a product. You'll see this term used in Discounts.
Discount %
The largest percentage difference between the full price and the current price for the SKUs that are listed on the retailer’s site at present.
A product is discounted if the current selling price of any SKU is lower than the full price of that SKU, even if it is not the cheapest SKU e.g. If a size 6 dress changes in price from $70 to $50, the product will be marked as discounted, even if the size 12 option has a full price of $40.
First Discounted/First Discounted
- All products that had their first discount during the selected period.
- A product is classed as discounted if the selling price of any SKU is lower than the full price of that SKU, even if it is not the cheapest SKU e.g. If a size 6 dress changes in price from $70 to $50, the product will be marked as discounted, even if the size 12 option has a full price of $40. First discount takes into account the date the product was first found to be discounted.
First Majority Sell Out
- All products that reached the majority sell out for the first time during the selected period.
- First majority sell out definition: At least 51% of SKUs have gone out of stock. For example, if a T-shirt is stocked in three sizes, two would need to have sold out for the product to have a majority SKU sellout.
First Sell Out
- All products that sold out for the first time during the selected period.
- The date when the product had no SKUs in stock for the first time.
First Price
The selling price of the product’s cheapest SKU, the first time the product was seen on the retailer’s site.
Full Price
The highest selling price that EDITED has ever seen the product at. If the price of a product increases from that when it was first seen, this will become the new full price.
In stock
- All products that were retailing during the selected period.
- At least one SKU is in stock and the product itself is not discontinued.
- This status is automatically applied when you create a new workbook.
Last Seen
The date when the product was last seen on the retailer's website.
Smaller assortment size than a premium retailer, but a higher average price point.
E.g. Gucci (US). Assortment: 106 products. Price point average: $2,517.95.
Mass Market Segment
Very Large assortment size with an average price point coinciding with the depth of available products.
E.g. Macy’s (US). Assortment: 10,740 products. Price Point: $74.57.
Majority SKU Sell Out / First Majority Sell Out
At least 51% of SKUs have gone out of stock.
Merchandising Information History
Information that the retailer has provided about how the product is merchandised e.g. online only.
New in
The date EDITED first saw the product. Occasionally, this may not match the retailer's view of when the product was new in, for example, if the product was not added to the site immediately, or if the product was added after the last time the site was tracked.
Non-transactional Sites
Some retailers don’t have transactional e-commerce sites (sites where you can complete a purchase) but we’re still able to track some of their data in EDITED. The way we track these sites works a bit differently to the traditional e-commerce sites that you’re used to seeing in EDITED. For non-transactional sites we may not be able to collect any SKU or availability information. We can only collect the information that is presented on the site, which may contain the product ID, name, gender, color and price. If a site is non-transactional, we'll declare it in the retailer's name.
Not discounted
These are products that have never seen a single SKU drop below Full price. You can view the SKU pricing history by scrolling down to the bottom of an individual product card.
Out of stock: No SKUs are in stock. You'll see out-of-stock products marked with an OOS icon e.g.
The product is marketed as outlet by the retailer. Outlet products are indicated by an icon that says Outlet.
Outlet %
The percentage of products that have outlet status in your workbook. You'll see this term used in Analysis (Statistics tab).
Premium Market Segment
Smaller assortment size than value, but larger assortment size than Luxury. Higher price point average than Value, but lower average than Luxury.
Price increased (vs. First Price)
These are products where the Current price is higher than the First price tracked by EDITED.
Price increased (vs. Previous Price)
These are products where the most recently tracked Current price is higher than the last seen Current price before it. In this case, the Full price will adjust to the new higher price. This may include products that have seen a true increase from the initial launch price, or products that return to a higher price following a temporary discounting period.
Product count
The number of different styles (colors & prints) the product is available in across a retailer, brand, product type or assortment, according to your workbook.
Replenishments / Replenished
At least 51% of SKUs have returned to stock at the same time, where two or more SKUs were originally present.
Secondhand Retailers
Products sold by second-hand retailers. These are a specific set of retailers that sell products in the second-hand market.
Sell out %
The percentage of products that have sold out across a retailer, brand, product type or assortment, according to your workbook. You'll see this term used within Analysis (Strategy tab).
SKUs available
The number of SKUs available to buy, at the time the product was last seen on the retailer's site. e.g. A product showing as 7/12, would mean there were a total of 12 SKUs (sizes and/or colors) originally available, where 7 are still available to buy, and 5 are out of stock.
Value Market Segment
Large assortment size, but paired with a lower average price point than a mass retailer.
E.g. Forever 21 (US). Assortment: 2,917 products. Price point average: $20.64.