Setting Up User Access for DynamicView

NOTE: only those users set-up with an ‘Admin’ account can manage user accounts.

On the User Administration screen, admins create and manage individual users.

Each user will belong to one or more Access Role-Access Group combinations. For example, a user may have an “Admin” Access Role for all “European” accounts but have a more limited “Marketing” Access Role for the “North American” Access Group.

When Admins select Create or Edit, an overlay panel will slide out to allow the Admin to fill in the required fields.

Access Roles govern which areas of the application users are able to see and use.

On the Access Role Administration screen, Admins may create Access Roles with limited screen access to control what users will be able to see.

By default, DynamicAction has created an “Admin” Access Role with access to everything and a “User” Access Role with access to everything other than Administration features.

If you, as an Admin, wish to define more specific Access Roles, simply create a new Access Role and check the boxes for which aspects of the site you want grant access to the members of this Access Role.


Access Groups are a group of DynamicAction accounts. For example, a company may have a account for Brand A and Brand B. Admins can decide whether or not they want one Access Group for each Account or if they want to group accounts together (e.g. all Brand “A” accounts or all Brand “B” accounts).

If you would like to manage multiple accounts in the same manner, you can create an Access Group to group them all together. For example, a company may create a “Brand A” access group for numerous Sub-brands.