Digital/Omni: Using Basket Heatmaps

Affinities Overview

The Affinities area provides different views and tools to analyze products purchased in the same order. Use this area to identify key basket analysis insights and discover which product, promotion, and customer combinations occur most frequently.

The Affinities Overview is a 20×20 grid – the top 20 items by orders. By default, it shows product category 1 and 2 versus product category 1 and 2, but this can be changed using the drop down boxes near the top of the screen (1). Among the available options you will find familiar product fields, product and SKU attributes, promotions fields, and customer recency and frequency. The calendar and date selections for Affinities are different than you will see elsewhere (2). The analysis range is a relative number of days (up to 99) through an end date. For instance, if you ran a 20 day promotion ending on November 18th, you could set the range to “Last 20 days ending November 18th”.

The Advanced menu (3) allows you to build a custom Affinities Overview grid. The first screen under Advanced contains the same quick options available in (1) and (2), and the second screen allows you to filter the results to your preferred fields. The Primary Filter controls the rows that appear in the grid, and the Affinity Filter controls the columns.


Note: Affinities queries may take several minutes to run. The size of the dataset and the date span play a large role in the required query time. Once a query has been run once, it can be instantly re-accessed via the Recent Affinities menu.

In the grid itself, there are options for customizing your view (4). You can choose for the bubble size to be driven by either Support (overlapping orders) or Confidence (percent overlapping orders). You can choose for a red-green color scale based on Lift (co-purchase likelihood) or for no color.

Finally, if you click on a bubble you will be presented with a detail overlay (5). This overlay includes the specific values for Orders, Support, Confidence, and Lift as well as explanation of their meaning. From this overlay, you may also proceed to Dimensions or Product Opportunities by selecting them from the appropriate drop-down menu.