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Market: How Do I Select The Right Dates To Analyze?

Understand the two types of date filter in Market workbooks and how they work when used together.


There are two places within Market's filter panel in which you can select the dates that you want to analyze in your workbook:

  1. The filter identified by a calendar icon at the top of the filter panel. This allows you to see the state of the market on a specific date.
  2. Within Price & Status. Here you can filter products by their Status over a period of time; whether they were in stock, new in, first sold out, had their first majority sell out or were first discounted. 

Analyzing the Market on One Specific Day: Calendar Filter

Workbooks default to products 'In Stock' today. Meaning your workbook will display products on the market right now. 

  • Click on the calendar icon at the top of your filter panel and use the datepicker to see products that were In Stock on your chosen date.
  • By selecting a previous date, you see the state of the market on the one chosen day. Essentially, it’s as if you logged into your EDITED account and created your workbook on that day. 
  • Once you have selected your dates,  click Close at the top right to close the filter panel.

You can only select Out of stock when you have Today selected. Having both In stock and Out of stock selected means that  your workbook will be populated with all products whatever their current status. 



Using Price & Status Filters to Analyze Specific Time Periods

Price & Status lets you filter products that were in stock, new in, first sold out, had their first majority sell out (over 50% of SKUs sold out), or were first discounted on a specific day or over a period of time.

  • Click Price & Status and then through to Status


  • Here you will be given the option to select 
    • In Stock
    • New In
    • First Sell Out
    • First Majority Sell Out (over 50% of SKUs sold out)
    • First Discounted. 

  • Select a timescale to analyze
    • All time
    • Past week
    • Past month
    • Past 3 months
    • Custom range
  • Once you have selected a timescale, click Add at the bottom of the filter to apply your selection, followed by Close at the top right to shut the filter panel. 


Understanding the Types of Status


In Stock 

  • All products that were retailing during the selected period. 
  • In stock definition: At least one SKU is in stock. 

New In

  • All products that were first tracked by EDITED during the selected period. 

First Sell Out

  • All products that sold out for the first time during the selected period. 
  • First sell out definition: The date when the product had no SKUs in stock for the first time.

    First Majority Sell Out

  • All products that reached the majority sell out for the first time during the selected period. 
  • First majority sell out definition: At least 51% of SKUs have gone out of stock. For example, if a T-shirt is stocked in three sizes, two would need to have sold out for the product to have a majority SKU sellout.

First Discounted

  • All products that had their first discount during the selected period. 
  • First discounted definition: A product is classed as discounted if the selling price of any SKU is lower than the full price of that SKU, even if it is not the cheapest SKU e.g. If a size 6 dress changes in price from $70 to $50, the product will be marked as discounted, even if the size 12 option has a full price of $40. First discount takes into account the date the product was first found to be discounted.  
  • Full price definition: The highest selling price that EDITED has ever seen the product at. If the price of a product increases from when it was first seen, this will become the new full price.


It is important when using Status that you have the Calendar filter icon at the top of the filter panel set correctly.



How The Status Filters Work With The Calendar Filter


If you’re using the Status filters, you must consider how they work together with the calendar filter to ensure you’re seeing the desired products in your workbook. Specifically, whether you tick the Out of Stock checkbox within the calendar filter. 




When to use In Stock

  • Example: You want to find out which products arrived last year but are still retailing. By using the New In filter under Price & Status, select the previous year’s dates. By selecting In Stock only, you’ll be left with a workbook of products that arrived last year but are still in stock. 

When to use Out of Stock

  • The Out of Stock checkbox can only be used when Today has been selected from the datepicker. 
  • Example: You want to find out which products over the past month have been most successful. By using the New In filter under Price & Status, you can see all products that arrived over the past month. By selecting Out of Stock and deselecting In Stock, you’ll be left with a workbook of products that arrived over the past month and have already sold out - a good indicator of success. 


When to use In & Out of Stock Combined

Apply the out of Out of Stock checkbox when you are analyzing a historic period of time in combination with the Price & Status filters. 

  • Example: You want to look at all products that were in stock over the past month, so you apply the In Stock filter under Price & Status. If you only view the market as it is Today, products that were in stock but have since sold out would not be reflected in your workbook. By having both Out of Stock and In Stock ticked, all products that were retailing would be shown. 
  • The same logic applies when using any of the Price & Status > Status filters; analyzing when products were in stock, new in, first sold out, had their first majority sell out or were first discounted. 



When using the In Stock, New In, First Sell Out, First Majority Sell Out and First Discounted filters under Status, always consider if you want to see all products attributed to the selected time period (select In Stock and Out of Stock in the calendar filter), or only the ones that are still in stock (select In Stock only in the calendar). 


For more on how to use the Status filters, read How Do I Use The Price & Status Filter To Analyze A Specific Price Range, Increase, or Discount?