I need to set-up an account for another user in Overlay

Users must have Administrative permissions to add or alter a user’s permissions, including their own. If you do not have Admin permissions, please reach out to your CS Team or support@edited.com.

If you are an admin, follow the below steps to add a new user:

  • Navigate to your browser extension, select ‘Support’.
  • Once on the ‘Support’ page, in the upper-right-hand corner, hit the cog icon.
  • Select ‘Administration’.
  • When on the ‘Users’ tab, select ‘Create User’, on the right-hand side
  • Fill in all required information (email, First Name, Last Name) and assign the user an Access Role.
  • Hit ‘Create User’ – with this, the user will get sent an automated email from EDITED for which to sign in.