Market: How Do I Use The Price & Status Filter To See A Specific Price Range, Increase, or Discount?


Price & Status lets you filter by the status of products. It is split into four sections; Status, Price, Channel, and Replenishment. Here, we discuss using Price



Click Price & Status and then go to Price. Here, you can filter products by their price range or whether their price has changed. 



Price Range Filters


There are four Price Range filters: 

  • Current Price: Select the minimum and/or maximum current price of products.
  • Full Price: Select the minimum and/or maximum full price of products.
  • Advertised Full Price: Select the minimum and/or maximum advertised full price of products.
  • First Price: Select the minimum and/or maximum first price of products.

Once you have entered your desired metrics into the fields, click Apply at the bottom of the filter to apply your selection, followed by Close at the top right to shut the filter panel. 


Current Price is the selling price of a product’s cheapest SKU, at the time it was last tracked.


Full Price is the highest selling price that EDITED has ever seen the product at. If the price of a product increases from that when it was first seen, this will become the new 'full price'.


Advertised Full Price is the highest price that a retailer has advertised a product at on the item’s product page, even if EDITED has never actually seen the product sold at that price. 


First Price is the selling price of the product’s cheapest SKU, as of the first time EDITED saw it on the retailer’s website.



Price Change Filters


The are six Price Change filters:

  •  Discount: Select the minimum and/or maximum percentage a product has been discounted by.
  • Advertised Discount: Select the minimum and/or maximum percentage a product has been advertised as discounted by.
  • Not Discounted: Select products where no SKU’s current price is lower than full price.
  • No Advertised Discount: Select products that are not advertised as discounted by the retailer.
  •  Price increased (vs Previous Price): Select products where the current price is higher than the last seen price.
  • Price increased (vs First Price): Select products where the current price is higher than the first seen price.

Once you have entered your desired metrics into the fields, click Apply to apply your range selection, followed by Close at the top right to shut the filter panel. 


A product is classed as being Discounted if the price of any SKU drops below the product’s Full Price. 


Advertised Discount is a discount communicated by the retailer on an item’s product page, regardless of whether EDITED has ever actually tracked a price decrease for that product.