Digital/Omni: What is a Task List?

A Task List provides a view of all tasks created from across your organization.  

Within the Task List, the following  information will be provided:

  • Task Name
  • Task Owner
  • Department
  • Labels
  • Status
  • Start & End Dates
  • Actions

You can also switch between tabs to look at your tasks (My Tasks)  or specific department tasks (My Dept).



There are three different view options to toggle between:

  • Calendar View
  • List View (default view)
  • Activity View

In the List View, you can see more information about the task by clicking on its name. This opens up a detailed view of the individual task, showing a summary of recent activity alongside the specific link to a report that’s been created as part of the task.


The Calendar View summarizes all open and closed tasks.  

  • It can be organized by users and shows all tasks assigned to each user for the selected time period.
  • You can navigate the calendar using the arrows to the left and right of the date range or toggle between week and month views. 
  • Click and drag on the task to change the task date range. (you may also drag the task to another user to re-assign it) 
  • Clicking on the Taskbar will provide a pop-up with more description of the task and navigation options. 

The Task Activity view summarizes all the activity sorted by the most recent task changes.  Activity information would include task re-assignment, task comments, task date changes, and more.



Within the Overview tab, users can edit the task.


Follow Task & + Add Follower: This option allows users to follow a task or add someone from the organization to it. Followers will receive email notifications for key task changes when a task has been closed.

Labels: Users can add descriptive labels, such as a specific department, the type of data within the task, co-worker name, vendors, etc.

The Actions tab communicates all actions that have been documented for the task (see Actions section below)



The Comments tab allows users to make additional comments about a task to co-workers.

The Attachments tab allows users to add additional reports. Everyday use cases for attachments include screenshots of crucial website pages, status-tracking spreadsheets, or in-progress presentations.