Decision Trees consist of six analysis tool types: Product, Customer, Operations, Content, Marketing, and Paid Search Opportunities.
Decision Trees allows you to create a list of products based on a common retail use case, business problem, or opportunity.
How to Navigate to Decision Trees
- Select Opportunities from the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click Decision Trees.
- Select the Opportunity type, e.g., Product Opportunities.
How to Use Analysis Controls in Decision Trees (Product, Operations & Content Opportunities)
Once you have selected the Product, Operations, or Content Opportunity, you will be taken to an initial homepage with default opportunity Types, Actions, and/or Themes.
To navigate to the opportunities Decision Tree of your choice, select the Tree icon at the top right of the Action/Theme.
You can select the Type, Action, or Theme via the arrow dropdown next to the Opportunity title.
Chart Scale
Once you have selected your theme or action, you will be taken to the specific Decision Tree. From here, you can use the following chart controls to make your analysis better.
The scale on the left-hand side of the chart will isolate areas to focus on taking action. For example, you may want to change the scale to 50 products or more. If the action does not include 50 products or more, it will be greyed out on the chart. To set the scale, either;
- Slide the scale accordingly.
- Type in the number for the scale into the appropriate text boxes.
This scale will change based on your selected settings in the analysis chart.
Chart Settings
You can view this analysis chart through various metrics. You may want to change the metric from Product Counts to Inventory Value to the surface which actions have the biggest inventory value and, therefore, impact associated.
- Select Settings in the top right corner.
- Select the Product Level dropdown to show the analysis by Product, Options, or Parent Products.
- Select the Metrics dropdown to select Inventory Value.
- Select the Compare dropdown to choose whether to compare the analysis to % of Total, % of Parent Node, or % vs B (the prior period).
- Click Apply to save the changes.
You can select the Heatmap display metric within settings to visualize in color the action or theme areas that would have the biggest impact based on the chosen metric, e.g., product count. The darker the blue, the higher the number or the bigger the impact.