Digital/Omni: How Do I Use Custom Dashboards?

Custom Dashboards are personalized and flexible combinations of your business data visualized by widgets. They may be used to create a category-centric view, an executive summary of top-line metrics, or even a template for a Monday trade meeting.

How to Navigate to Custom Dashboards

  • Select Dashboards from the left-hand navigation panel. 
  • Click Custom Dashboards.



How to Create Custom Dashboards?


To create your custom dashboard:

  • Click Create Dashboard. 

You will be taken to a New Dashboard setup screen. Within the Configure Dashboard tab, action the following: 

  • Add a Dashboard Name.
  • Add a Dashboard Description.
  • Select whether the Dashboard should be Private or Shared with the toggle.

Within the Configure Section Headers tab, you can organize your dashboards by analysis type, metric group, or more. 

  • Click +Add Section Header.



  • Add a Section Title, e.g., Pricing Metrics.
  • Add a Section Description, e.g., Average Discounts & Prices.

  • Click Create Dashboard to save.

How to Add Widgets To Custom Dashboards?

You need to add widgets to customize your dashboard with data and insights. 

  • Click Add Dashboard Widget

There are eight different widget types to choose from in Custom Dashboards:

Metrics: Understand metric performance and movement.

Dimensions: Understand metric performance and movement.

Opportunities: Estimate differences in profit or sales over what would have occurred if price, exposure, and/or availability actions had not been taken.

Tasks: View the list of current tasks.

Funnel: View funnel for Order or Product Conversion.

Distribution: De-average a metric to identify the outliers.

Notes & Links: Define notes, bookmarks, and links for easy access.

Actions: View the most recently logged actions. 


Select the appropriate widget type from the left-hand side.


Both the Metric and Dimension widget types have multiple sub-types and visualizations that can be selected to present the data chosen. 


Once you have selected the visualization of choice, for example, Metric Widget > Tile.

  • Click Next.


You will then be taken to a screen where you can customize exactly what appears in the widgets you have chosen. Below is an example of customizations available for the Metric Widget > Tile.

  • Name of Widget.
  • Add customized Metrics.
  • Add Comparison data, comparing the metrics to Period B, Last Year, Target, or a 13 or 4-period average.
  • Adjust the Widget Height to include more or less data within the visualization.
  • Select the Add Filter checkbox to apply a filter to a specific widget. 


Select  Preview to review the widget before adding it to your dashboard. 

Once happy, select Add Widget to add to your dashboard.


All of the visualizations within Metric & Dimensions widgets will have a slightly different number of customization options.


How to Amend Widgets?


You can amend the data within widgets or delete or move them at any point. 

  • Click the three dots in the top right corner of the widget. 

    • Move to: move the widget to another section.
    • Settings: change the customizations, e.g., metrics, comparisons, and filters within a widget.
  • Copy: duplicate the widget. Using this functionality will allow you to add new widgets quickly.
Delete: delete the widget.