The Basket Reports tool is a report designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of categories, promotions, and other marketing efforts. It allows you to analyze transaction metrics associated with orders/baskets. This tool is often used to drive improvements across metrics like Average Order Value (AOV) and Units Per Transaction (UPT).
What is the Average Order Value (AOV)?
EDITED defines AOV as the average gross revenue (placed order value) per order during the analysis period. Placed Order Value (net of price discounts) divided by Orders.
What is the Units Per Transaction (UPT)?
EDITED defines UPT as the average number of units purchased in each transaction/order.
The Basket Reports Tool consists of the following;
- Category Effectiveness: key transaction metrics associated with orders/baskets at a category level.
- Product Effectiveness: key transaction metrics associated with orders/baskets at a product level.
- Promo Effectiveness: key transaction metrics associated with orders/baskets at a promotion level.
- Brand Effectiveness: key transaction metrics associated with orders/baskets at a brand level.
How to Navigate to Basket Reports
- Select Basket Analysis from the left-hand navigation panel.
- Click Basket Reports.
- Select the Basket Report of choice, e.g., Category Effectiveness.
How to Use Basket Reports
For this example, we will select Category Effectiveness; all other Basket Reports will function similarly. Selecting this report will take you to a grid format. The first column on the left-hand side will default to Product Category 1 >2 and will be sorted descending by categories with the highest orders first.
This example is demo data. When you use this tool, it will represent your business's category hierarchy.
Each grid row will represent one category and include the below transaction and customer data by default to demonstrate how effective a category, brand, promotion, or product is.
Analyzing Transactional Metrics
Two metrics of note are Single Item Order % and Single Affinity Order %.
Single Item Order / (%): The % of orders for the analysis row item that contained only that item/item type irrespective of the order quantity of that item/item type.
Single Affinity Order / (%): The % of orders for the analysis row item that contained only that item/item type.
Using the Men’s Accessories example, only 4.38% of orders included one accessories product/item, and only 5.47% included the accessories category. This means that over 94.53% of the time, orders including accessories include other accessories items or categories. This category can then be deemed as ‘effective’ as it’s more often than not included in an order where multiple items/categories are purchased.
Analyzing Customer Metrics
Three metrics of note are Customers, Order/Customer Affinities, and New Customer Order%.
Customers: The count of individual customers.
Orders/Customer Affinities: The number of orders is divided by the number of individual customers.
New Customer Order %: The percentage of orders purchased by new customers.
Using the Men’s Accessories example.
- The Order/Customer affinity was 1.29 because 4,110 accessories orders were placed across only 3,179 individual customers.
- Over half, 55%, of these accessory orders were placed by New Customers.
How to Add/Amend Fields to Basket Reports
- Click the blue Configure button on the right-hand side of your Basket Report.
You can opt to add a field in the Primary Field section.
- Amend existing fields by selecting the existing dropdown.
- To add additional fields, click Add Field.
- Another field dropdown will appear; select your field from this list, e.g., Customer Frequency or Brand.
- You can use the search bar functionality at the top of the dropdown to look for a specific field.
The choices you have to select from in the field list will depend on the data that EDITED has passed on to your business for implementation. These will also match your business naming conventions.
- To delete a field, click the X on the dropdown.
Add the same field into the secondary and primary field sections to ensure it is represented in both grids.
How to Add Filters to the Basket Reports
You may want to apply a filter ONLY to see Men’s categories.
- Click the blue Configure button on the right-hand side of your Basket Report.
- Click Add Filter to add a filter.
- Click the first dropdown to select a filter field or metric, e.g., Gender.
- Click the second dropdown to select a rule, e.g., Is.
- Click the third text box to add the specific filter criteria you want to apply, e.g., Men.
You can click the search button under the text box to get a predefined list of all the possible filter criteria you could apply. Once you have selected your criteria, please make sure you click Add Selected.
- Click Add Filter to save.
You can add filters on specific columns.
- Click the down arrow on the title of the column itself.
Use the filter function.
- Select the rule, e.g., <, >, =, in the first dropdown.
- Type the value into the second textbox, e.g., 10.
How to Add Additional Metrics to the Basket Reports
Adding additional metrics to the primary grid will allow you to gain further insights and data.
- Click the blue Configure button on the right-hand side of your Basket Report.
- Click Add Metric.
- Another field dropdown will appear, select your metric from this list, e.g., Single Item Order.
- To delete a field, click the X on the dropdown.
The names of some of your metrics may differ from the demo data you see in this Help Center article and will have been aliased by EDITED to match your business naming conventions.
How to Sort Columns in Basket Reports
To sort the columns by ascending or descending:
- Click the down arrow on the title of the column itself.
- Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.
- Click Remove Sort to undo the sort on that column.
- Click Reset Sort to reset it back to the default.