Custom Dashboards

Custom Dashboards are flexible user generated portals for DynamicAction.  For example, you might create a category centric dashboard, a comparative dashboard, a favorites dashboard or any creative combination of widgets that you specify.

To get started, click “Create Dashboard” and give the dashboard a name and description.  Selecting Private means that only your UserID (Email) will be able to view the dashboard and selecting “Public” means that any user who has access to your account can view (but not edit) your dashboard.  Just like tasks, specifying labels help you to easily categorize your dashboards and find them on a quick search.  You may add a filter here as well.  A dashboard filter will be applied to all applicable widgets added to the dashboard.  If a widget includes an additional filter, they are joined together via an “AND.”  In other words, both conditions must be satisfied together.

For example, you might view a dashboard specific to your category or marketing channel.  In this case, all widgets are filtered for Men’s > Shirts.

You may access a previously created dashboard via the left navigation menu.  Recent Dashboards lists the most recent dashboards that you have viewed (whether shared or private).  My Dashboard lists all of the dashboards that you own, Shared dashboards lists all public dashboards owned by other users and Favorite dashboards offers a listing of those that you have marked as a “favorite.”

When viewing one of your dashboards, you may add a new widget by clicking the large “+” sign in the open box.  It will present you with a dialog screen in which you may select your desired widget, configure it and apply.

You may also choose to “Preview” the widget within the dialog before applying it to the dashboard.

Some widgets support widget level filters as well.  These are great for comparative analysis. In this example, we compare brands against each other for metrics, opportunities and top movers.

Once a widget is applied, you may move it into another position by clicking it and dragging it.  You will also find a small menu in the top right of each widget that allows you to edit the configuration and/or delete the widget.

The global calendar at the top of controls the date ranges and comparison periods for all of the widgets.



OMNICHANNEL - Instructions for our Omnichannel clients only

When creating custom dashboards in the Omnichannel view, in many cases you will have an opportunity to select whether you would like to analyze a metric as an aggregated Omnichannel value or have it calculate specific to Web or Store.  This also allows you to build dashboards with metric trend widgets side by side for Omnichannel, Web and Store.

 For Store dashboards, you will also find similar functionality to what is offered via the Web Channel.  You will also be free to take advantage of several standard dashboards such as the one below.