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  3. Market Analytics - Building Workbooks

Create a Workbook


On the Market Analysis homepage, click the 'New Workbook' button at the top right of the page. 



You’ll be taken to a blank workbook. Here, you can add filters to populate your workbook with your desired dataset. When you add filters to a new workbook, an assortment chart of your dataset is the default view. 



Tabbed Workbooks: Creating Multiple Views of Your Dataset


You are able to have multiple charts saved within one workbook. This allows you to visualize different views of your selected dataset. For example, you could answer 'how are my prices benchmarked against competitors' in one tab and  'how does my discounting depth compare' in another. The filters in the left filter panel of your workbook apply to all tabs. However, the chart controls at the top of each tab are tab-specific. You can create five tabs per workbook. 


When you add filters to a new workbook, an assortment chart of your dataset will automatically be generated. If you would like to view a different analysis type or create another assortment chart, select the  + symbol tab in the top bar.



You’ll be presented with all the “Analysis Types” to select from. 



Once you’ve selected your analysis type, it will appear next to your existing tabs. 



Clicking the three dots on a tab will allow you to “Delete”, “Rename” or “Duplicate” the tab. 

You can also drag the tabs to your preferred order. 



Raw chart data from charts and tables can be exported and emailed to you using the “Export” button.  Ensure your workbook is saved and then click “Export” at the top of your chart controls.  

You will have the option to export your current tab or all tabs. 

Please note that Color and Pattern analysis can’t be exported.