Content Opportunities

Content Opportunity Overview
The Content Opportunity Trees are delivered via 2 themes:  Browse and On-site Search. The Overview screen allows you to understand how both pillars impact the business.

By using the metric drop downs, you can switch between the default metric and several other key overview metrics within each area.

Content Opportunity Trees
By clicking any of the tabs or by linking from the Overview tiles, you may navigate to a Content Opportunity tree.  The trees help you to visualize DynamicAction opportunity logic, navigate to your desired level of detail and quickly compare metrics across nodes.  Given the hierarchical structure, you can decide to drill down at any point.  For example, you might want to view all low page views or you may want to go down further to only those with no sales.   From any node, you may preview, download or schedule the data for export via the Export API.

Content Opportunity Grid
When you are ready to analyze the specific pages within the Opportunity list, you may click the Pages tab.  The Pages tab will look familiar to legacy Opportunity lists with a few notable exceptions:

  1. Via this grid, you may click the wrench icon and add any additional applicable metrics to your table.
  2. You may apply Quick filters on this page (as well as the prior pages) to help narrow your view.
  3. You may leverage the Display By area to roll-up the Page list. For example, you might want to roll it up by Page Category or Selling Location or Page Type.
  4. Relative to the other pages, you can view the health score for the page for the following metrics: Page Views, Exit Page Views, Exit Rate, Page Sales Score.